Listing Process
1. Register on website with your details, Full Name, Email id & Contact number
2. Create login id and password by using your email id
3. You will receive the verification mail to verify your account in registered mail id
4. Click on verification link which you received in your Register email id to login in website dashboard
5. Login with your register mailed and password and manage your property listing on dashboard
6. You need purchase the listing package for listing the property which start from Rs.15/-
7. Important point: property images should be (800px width 533px height) and file size should be less than 100 kb for best search result
8. Add the property details and upload the images and videos
9. Once listing details are uploaded it will be under Review status the listing is being checked to ensure it meets the guidelines, policies, and standards of the platform it's being run on. and publish within 24 to 48 Hrs.